# Again root-level, because we are in a new event, so no indentation. # Three indentations because of the event, the condition and the section (looping).
# Three indentations because of the event and the two conditions. # Two indentations because of the event and the condition. Look at the examples below and see if you understand why indentation is needed. The most important thing is to not use two different types of indentation.Each indentation then requires four spaces at default. Another possibility is to indent using spaces.Each indentation that is required needs one tab. The best practice is to indent using tabs.Also, remind that all events, conditions, sections, command, functions and all other root-level declarations need a colon behind them!.
#Coteditor indentions code#
#Coteditor indentions how to#
So basically, if you experienced the error "Error: Indentation error at line X, expected X tabs/spaces, but found X tabs/spaces" or something similar, and you don't know how to fix it, read this tutorial. You probably did not know what they meant and you just wanted your error to be resolved, but this is actually a rather small, but really important aspect of coding in general, so that's why this tutorial was created. Please don't hesitate to report any bugs or feature requests to our issue tracker.If you are redirected to this tutorial by a member of one of the Skript communities, that will probably mean that your indentation was wrong. CJK Language FriendlyĮstimate various file encodings accurately, toggle to vertical text mode and keep its line height correctly. Incompatible CharactersĬheck and list-up the characters in your document that cannot convert into the desired encoding. Make your own macro in your favorite language, whether it is Python, Ruby, Perl, PHP, UNIX shell, AppleScript or JavaScript. Inspect Unicode character data of each selected character in your document and display them in a popover. Split a window into multiple panes to see different parts of your document at the same time. Outline MenuĮxtract specified lines with the predefined syntax, and you can jump to the corresponding line. CotEditor backups your documents automatically while editing. You don't need to lose your unsaved data anymore. I often break lines with a selection in order to delete the string and break the line at the same time. You can access all your settings including syntax definitions and themes from a standard preferences window. Is your feature request related to a problem Please describe. There are no complex configuration files that require geek knowledge. Super powerful find and replace using the ICU regular expression engine.
#Coteditor indentions software#
Compare the best CotEditor integrations as well as features, ratings, user reviews, and pricing of software that integrates with CotEditor. Colorize more than 50 pre-installed major languages like HTML, PHP, Python, Ruby or Markdown. View a list of CotEditor integrations and software that integrates with CotEditor below.